Sunday, May 9, 2010

Food Bank Celebration

On May 15th at 6 PM there will be a celebration for Caroline Donnelly's successful East Alabama Food Bank bicycle tour from St Augustine, FL to San Diego, CA.  Please also celebrate Robert (Dr. Death) Donnelly's 31 years of teaching at Auburn University! Please bring food or drink to share and a monetary donation to the East Alabama Food Bank.
As of May 4th the donations were : $875.00 and 3667 pounds of food. It is exciting to be at this point but we would love to meet or exceed the goals set in February.
Please RSVP via email to
Thank you all!  Mrs .D really looks forward to hearing from you. If you will forward this invitation to all of your friends and family so they  too can participate too it would be very much appreciated.
Caroline and Bob

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