Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Gnu's Room Events

Got this newsletter from the Gnu's Room.  They are a neat little book store located next to Amsterdam Cafe on Gay Street in Auburn.

Thursday, January 21st at 6:00 p.m. - Science Cafe with Lindy Biggs

Lindy Biggs currently serves as the Executive Director of the
Sustainability Initiative at Auburn University. Biggs received her PhD
from MIT in history of technology, her MA and BS are from the
University of Missouri. She teaches and writes about technology and
its social context and consequences. Biggs research has focused on
industrialization in both the U.S. and Britain, and more specifically
on the physical reality of industrialization. Her first book, The
Rational Factory: Architecture, Technology and Work in America's Age
of Mass Production (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2002), examined
the creation of the American mass-production factory. She is currently
writing about the first factories in eighteenth-century England, their
employment of child labor, and the debates that arose around early
industrialization. She has received a grant from the National Science
Foundation and was a senior fellow at the Dibner Institute for the
History of Science and Technology at MIT in support of the project.

Biggs has also been a Fulbright Senior Scholar in Norway and served as
the Secretary of the Society for the History of Technology. Other
scholarly interests include environmental history about which she
teaches and is making plans for future research.

Friday, January 22nd at 7:00 p.m. - Poetry Reading/Book Signing

Auburn-based poetry publisher New Plains Press has recently released
its first two books of poetry, and the Gnu's Room is proud to be
chosen for readings and signings. The first reading will be of Rest in
Black Haw by Emily Elizabeth Schulten. Schulten is originally from
Bowling green, KY but has traveled extensively and currently resides
and teaches in Atlanta, Georgia. She is also a doctoral candidate in
poetry at Georgia State University. Schulten has been published or has
forthcoming work in Rio Grande Review, The Secret of Salt, The Hollins
Critic, and Askew.

For information on New Plains Press, please viist their website at

Saturday, January 23rd, 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. - Chair Massage

Enjoy the relaxing atmosphere at the Gnu's Room with a cup of your
favorite coffee or tea and let Conar Rochford remove any remaining
stress with his healing hands. A fifteen-minute session is only
$10.00. Gift certificates are available.

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